© Copyright – Canyon Gold & Gravel Inc. | Branding by NextPhase Strategy Marketing
Gravel for Construction
Large-scale construction projects in the building and infrastructure sectors have been prominent across Canada since the 2008 economic downturn. The value of construction projects has also increased, as evidenced by the skyscrapers built over the last decade in major Canadian cities. Infrastructure upgrades and development are often supported through Infrastructure Canada, a federal department headed by the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities. In addition to increased construction demand, individual projects have also become more extensive.
Canyon’s project is needed to produce gravel for concrete and construction building purposes. High-quality gravel that is sourced domestically is needed as gravel is in short supply in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley.
Canyon Gold & Gravel is now positioned to benefit from the $25 Billion BC Government infrastructure fund created to rebuild the damaged highways and bridges caused by the floods and fires of 2022 in the Hope and BC interior transportation corridors.
Gold Recovery
Gold has always been one of the world’s most precious and coveted metals. Rarity is the primary reason for its value. Estimates on global mine reserves of gold fluctuate slightly from year to year but are not much higher than 50,000 metric tons.
Globally, Canada is the fifth largest producer of gold as of 2019. Within Canada, gold is the most valuable mined mineral. It is fitting that as the largest gold producer based on volume, Ontario also had the highest gold production value of all the Canadian provinces. Quebec was the second-largest gold producer in Canada, has produced a 32.6 percent share of Canada’s gold in 2017. As of 2017, Canada’s gold reserves amounted to an estimated 2,813 metric tons.
In short, Canyon Gold’s success would spell a more financially secure future for Canada.
Sales & Tipping Services
Canyon’s revenue is primarily derived from washing the aggregates to recover gold and the high-quality, dense Fraser River sand and gravel. The various gravel sizes and sand will be sold to the sand, gravel and landscaping market in the ‘Construction Hub’ of the Vancouver Lower Mainland/Fraser Valley. River gravel and sand are highly sought after in the cement and landscaping industry, commanding a premium price.
The recovered gold will be sold to a Richmond, BC government-licensed gold processor.
Tipping fees will be charged per ton as the gravel trucks containing clean fill from the Fraser Valley enter the project site. As Canyon is designated a clean fill site in the Municipality of Hope this will generate a third income stream. The fill will be used to reclaim the land where gravel is removed.